UC Irvine School of Medicine Program in Geriatrics Click here for the Program in Geriatrics Home Page Click here for the UC Irvine Home Page Click here for the School of Medicine Home Page


Undergraduates in UC Irvine's Department of Biological Sciences who are eligible to sign up for Bio Sci 199, which allows students to conduct research with a mentor professor in the schools of Medicine or Biological Sciences, are encouraged to apply to the Division of Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology. Undergraduates in the School of Social Ecology who are eligible for a field study internship are also encouraged to apply. 

It is an opportunity to learn applied research skills under the supervision of Lisa Gibbs, MD, Division Chief, Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology. Students may elect to work with subjects, collect data, assist in the preparation of manuscripts or complete literature searches.

Research topics are timely and innovative, dealing with pressing issues in the field of geriatric medicine. This course is conducted on a mentorship model, so research topics relate to the area of interest for the investigator, whose current research is on aging with physical disabilities, elder abuse and current topics in physical medicine.